Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Buttons are here!

I wanted to get these done a little while ago but my printer/ scanner refuses to cooperate so I had to come up with another idea. If you have any more ideas of other buttons you'd like please let me know.I'm really more of a visual person so coming up with catchy phrases etc is really not my thing. I have allready made buttons for refashions 4 and 5 but I'll get those out later. I thought you probably wouldn't be that far yet. I would also like to make buttons for mending and for the all important first step of facing the wardobe clutter.

Should you have any problems using them please do let me know and I'll help.


  1. Oooh lovely. I'll be having one of those :)

  2. I'm now thinking they are a bit too big. so I think I'll make them a bit smaller.might be easier
